Franky Carrillo:

Wrong for our community,

dangerous for our future.

Animal abuser.
Repeat child endangerment offender.
Big Oil investor.

Franky Carrillo might talk the talk, but his actions scream hypocrisy. He claims to stand for the environment, gun safety, and women’s rights, but his record tells a very different story: from massive investments in Big Oil, to reckless gun behavior, and disturbing treatment of women and animals.

The bottom line? Franky Carrillo can’t be trusted to represent us. 

Trigger Warning: Animal Abuse

Cruelty & Animal Abuse

Disturbing stories have surfaced about Carrillo’s cruel treatment of animals, including reports of him kicking his puppy, Mishmish in front of witnesses. You don’t need to be a pet owner – or even a pet lover – to know how gross and upsetting this is. 

If this is how Carrillo treats a defenseless puppy, what does it say about his character? Can we trust a person who openly abuses the most vulnerable to represent us? Is this the kind of leadership that will stand up for the underserved or disenfranchised? We deserve better. Mishmish deserves better. #JusticeforMishmish

When we vote for someone to represent us in Sacramento, we need to be sure they share our values. We need to know they will fight for each and every one of us, and that they will lead with empathy and patience. Well, it’s safe to say Franky Carrillo has none of these qualities.

Big Oil’s Bestie

While Franky Carrillo has been trying to convince LA voters that he cares about our environment, the truth is it’s all a big lie. Despite promising not to take campaign donations from Big Oil and Big Tobacco,  nearly 10% of his net worth – which he used to finance his campaign – was tied up in industries that poison our air and put our kids' health at risk.

Talk about hypocrisy! Carrillo tried to brush it off, claiming he “wasn’t aware” of these massive investments in oil, coal, and tobacco. But let’s be real: he was profiting from these industries right up until he got caught red-handed. Only then did he “divest,” and the timing couldn’t be more suspicious.

LA voters, ask yourself this: Can you really trust a guy to fix our air quality crisis when he’s been bankrolling his campaign using money from polluters? Do you believe Carrillo will actually hold any of these corporations accountable for the irreparable damage they’re inflicting on our environment when he’s been cashing in on their profits? The bottom line is that when it came down to protecting our future or padding his own wallet, Carrillo made his choice. And frankly, it’s simply not the kind of leadership we can trust to fight the climate crisis.

Reckless with Guns

Franky Carrillo’s hypocrisy doesn’t stop with Big Oil. When it comes to gun safety, once again, his personal behavior completely contradicts his campaign promises.

Carrillo claims he’s committed to “get[ting] guns off our streets and increas[ing] awareness of the harm they cause to our communities.” But the facts tell a very different story. Reports accuse Carrillo of, on multiple occasions, carelessly leaving guns around his kids. And he repeatedly brushed off any requests to move these dangerous weapons to a safer location. Oh – it gets worse: in the immediate aftermath of a local shooting, he reportedly took his kids to the crime scene and had them search for gun casings!

This is yet another example of Carrillo showing us the kind of politician he is: someone who says one thing but does the opposite. We simple cannot trust someone to protect our communities from gun violence when they refuse to show even the slightest degree of concern about the basics of gun safety. Carrillo’s behavior makes it clear – he just doesn’t get it.

Control Freak Vibes

Franky Carrillo is truly a walking red flag: Not only has he made reckless financial decisions, put his kids in danger, and abused his dog, but the way he treats women seems eerily similar to retrogressive misogynists like J.D. Vance.

In publicly available court documents, Carrillo’s ex-wife describes a disturbing pattern of controlling behavior clearly rooted in misogyny. Carrillo told his wife at the time that she was “lucky” he allowed her to work (seriously, ew). And despite the fact that she held on to her career, he still left her to shoulder the bulk of the parenting responsibilities. We all know men like Franky Carrillo. And we know that this outdated, sexist mentality has no place representing us.

Carrillo’s behavior makes one thing clear: he’s all about control, not partnership. He claims to be an ally to women and champion for our autonomy and independence, but once again, it’s just… talk. At time when women’s rights have never been more under attack, we urgently need leaders who truly respect women, empower them, and advocate for them. Does Franky Carrillo sound like that kind of leader to you?

LA families deserve better than Franky Carrillo. 

Franky Carrillo has shown us exactly who he is – reckless, hypocritical, and completely out of touch with LA families. We deserve better.

It’s time to send a clear message: we don’t need more politicians who say one thing and do the opposite.

This election, let’s tell Franky to find another line of work and leave the real leadership to someone who can actually put their money where their mouth is.